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(English is a foreign language for me but i will try make this message as clear as possible) Only a short demo but I am already in love with this game! It just hits all the right places. Setting is amazing, made me kinda nostalgic for my past MMORPG days. Interface is so cool with those in-game stuff and chat/audio/video things. All characters are so loveable (side characters included), they are seem so real and full of life. I can't wait to play full game and I think it will became one of my favorites. I wish you good luck with development, may it be easy and enjoyable experience for you! Thank you for great job, it definitely made my day!

Thank you so much for playing the demo and leaving a comment! Your English is perfectly understandable, and I'm so happy to hear such kind compliments ^^ I also created this game out of nostalgia for my old MMORPG days too, so I'm really glad it evoked the same kind of emotions for you! I definitely tried my best to give every side character their own personality, backstory and character arcs, so I'm relieved that they do come across as seeming real and likeable characters.

Thank you for writing such a lovely comment! It made my day to see this! I'll try my best to finish the full game as soon as possible!

MAN THIS GAME PISSED ME OFF BUT IN THE BEST WAY LOL I mean that wholeheartedly as a compliment, I've played way too much WoW and FFXIV so when I saw the raiders acting up and sort of lashing out, it felt very familiar and realistic to how I've seen some of my guildies act out in the past, so it was very easy for me to be immersed in the setting and get invested in the story, I'm incredibly excited to see the rest of the game!

Thank you so much for playing the game and leaving a comment! LOL I'm glad the game is realistic and even immersive enough to evoke the same emotions in you like WoW / FFXIV! Hopefully the full game will be just as fun too! I'll do my best to finish the rest of the game asap! ^^

This is a really great game; I'm so excited for the full version! One question (that maybe I just missed bc my mind wanders too much during tutorials lol): how do you close the PM window once it's up? I couldn't get it down during the segment exploring the dungeon with Possibly, and that was a shame bc I couldn't see the cool mob designs!


Thank you for playing and taking the time to leave a comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the demo :) 

Oh, I probably didn't make it clear in the tutorial, so it's my oversight. If there's no outstanding choices to be made in the PMs, there should be a tiny X that shows up at the top right corner of the chat tab next to the character's name! If you close all of the open PM tabs, the whole PM chat window would close.

Sorry about that! I should probably add a note for it somewhere in the tutorials, haha.

Thanks so so much! This is a really fantastic game!

Just finished playing and that was a lot of fun! The love interests have my heart already haha. They're all interesting, and I look forward to seeing how things go with them! And I liked the side characters too, I can definitely see how much care was put into everyone! Good luck with the rest of development <3


Thank you so much for playing the demo and leaving a comment! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the game and liked the characters! :D I'll work hard to bring the full game to you all as soon as possible!

any chance an android version is in ghe future?

Hi! Thanks for the interest and question!

I'm not quite sure right now -- I am tentatively interested in making an android port, but I do worry it wouldn't be very feasible because of the UI design (being as MMO-like as possible). I feel like scaled down to an Android port, everything would be barely readable or clickable on a phone, haha. I'll look into the possibility, but I can't promise anything right now, sorry! I hope you get the chance to perhaps try the game on a PC at some point! :)


my pc recently pooped. I suspect the PSU going bad. android also runs on tablets. big screens. That's just me nitpicking though, thanks for the thoughtful and quick answer! 


This game is ridiculously cool. It feels wildly ambitious and yet you did it! I'm amazed you were able to morph renpy into this.

Emberfate is immersive from the start, with a gorgeous selection of music (I was amazed to see it was royalty-free with how well it fit the game's atmosphere - HOW.) and fully functional character creator. I deadass spent several IRL minutes reading through and debating what kind of character I wanted to make, which is an on-point experience for an RPG style game. I really loved the options to be unemployed and self-employed, in particular.

Personally, I'm not a fan of MMORPGs; I played a few years of Final Fantasy only because my partner at the time really needed a healer LOL. The general drama and saltiness of certain players -- especially the passive aggressive dialogue demonstrated by the in-game user Nanami-chan -- is all too real (especially ending with "lol" all the time omggg) and a big factor of why I'm averse to playing these games in real life... but damn it's masterfully captured here, and an absolute blast to experience in a VN.

The artwork is great all around. The UI fits the game perfectly and the CGs are gorgeous - Rem has always had a beautifully expressive way of depicting characters' hands. <3 And speaking of the characters, I already care about them.  Every single love interest is interesting and gosh I hope I can help them out even if I'm not actively romancing them. The twist with Chris genuinely surprised me.

The dialogue lines (both from voice and chat) are awesome with multiple instances making me giggle -- heck I knew I was in for a fun ride when they talked about renaming a guildmate to long-lost-dad.

Uhhh yep that's all the notes I took while playing. I'll be patiently looking forward to more.~


Thank you so much for playing and leaving a comment! 

Ahhhh thank you for the super kind comments and praise! I honestly had a lot of help with coding, and the hardest parts like the chat system was done by the incredible programmer Shawna, who saved me a lot of headaches LOL If only you could see the code for the rest -- it's a mess held thinly together by dangling tape and tears. Haha

I'm really glad the game has been immersive for you, which is definitely one of my biggest goals! I got really lucky with the kind of royalty-free assets I managed to find and purchase for sure, and I'm relieved you think they fit the game well! 

I used to play Final Fantasy XIV too, among other MMORPGs! That kind of drama and passive aggressiveness / raging is definitely a classic. I hope that didn't bring up any traumatic raiding memories for you! LOL 

Rem is definitely amazing and did such a great job with the CG art for the love interests! I'm glad you enjoyed the dialogue and the characters too! The current plan is for players to be able to help the LIs and maintain friendships with them even if they're not the current romancing target, but I'll have to see if the branching gets a bit too rough to manage in the end. I'm hopeful I can keep this as a feature though! All the LIs deserve some (platonic or romantic) love for sure~

Again, thank you so much for trying the demo and taking the time to let me know your thoughts! I'll hopefully be able to finish the rest of the game within the next few months and you wouldn't have to wait too long! Haha



Honestly a huge throwback to my SWTOR days, from the fun, realistic, silly (and sometimes serious) guild chat, to the spambot PMs,.  Just all the joy and nostalgia of that era of life for me.  Plus everyone, especially the ROs/LIs just feel so real and human, with their very realistic problems and busy lives.

I LOVE being able to interact so much with my guildmates and I love the beautiful art (and adorable pets!!!  PLAY FOR THE PETS PEOPLE) god this is probably my most anticipated game right now, can't wait for the full release.

Thank you so much for playing and leaving a comment! I'm happy to hear the game brought back good old MMORPG memories for you! Haha (Especially the spam mail -- who can ever forget those?) 

I'm so glad you think the characters feel real and human! I tried really hard to give every single character a personality and backstory / (sometimes behind-the-scenes) character arc of their own, so I'm relieved some of it is coming through. 

The pets are definitely my favorite part of the game too LOL Can't wait to show off the art of all the LIs' pets in the full game! I'll do my best to try to get the full release ready as soon as possible!

Loved the game, loved the characters.  They all won me over in the end making it difficult to choose a favorite one.  They all have their pros and cons which I won't be going into (join the server) here.  Absolutely full of memorable side characters that all have their own stand out personality. It brought me back to my days playing mmo's online. For sure will be following the development of this game! To a speedy release!

Thank you so much for playing and leaving a comment! I'm really happy to hear that you liked the love interests — and the side characters too! My nostalgia for my old MMO days is definitely what inspired this project, so I'm glad this brought back some (hopefully fond) MMORPG memories for you! Haha

To a speedy release indeed! Hopefully I'll be able to get this whole game wrapped up in the new few months!


So excited!! Will come back here and leave a review once I've finished playing a few run throughs!!

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