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Hi! So I played this a little while ago, and am currently replaying it, but I was wondering if this is going to be free or if it'll eventually have to be paid for. Sorry if this sounds weird I suck at wording things.

Hi! Thank you for playing Emberfate and for the question 💖 Don't worry, it doesn't sound weird at all. 

The base game will always remain free to play on both and Steam, but later on, there'll be some small paid DLCs that add extra content like Potato's romance route. So no worries if you ever want to redownload the game in the future — you should always be able to! :)

Alright, I'll look into getting the DLC sometime in the future! Thank you for your time!

This is so amazingly done! I played Chris and Nathan’s routes and loved both, but all the characters, romance-able or not, are absolutely charming and memorable. You’ve got a terrific cast and the situations are all carefully thought out and presented. And above all I love that it feels like I’m playing a real MMORPG, without all the trivial angst and drama that usually makes me want to toss my iPad, lol. Thank you also for keeping it free to play, I know this must have cost a tremendous amount, not just in assets, but in labor and time, as well.  Wonderful work, truly!

One of my all time favourite games of the genere. I love all the storylines and routes, and I am absolutely rabid for the way this is built, as a simulation of a MMORPG.

Delectable. I am waiting for more games from the amazing devs


I just finished the game and OMG it reminded me of my MMO experience in the past. Also, I damn love all characters and love interests. They're all so charming in their own way.

This was SUCH a good game. I was LIVID when it was over. UGh!! I wanted to actually get to play out being with Chris and continuing with the guild TT_TT. Dang, you made something fun when a player's response to the game ending is fury XD


This is the best of the best!


WOW, this game was so fun! I really felt like I was reliving my MMORPG days, with all the guild drama and interface mechanics. The immersion aspect of it really makes it standout from the usual romance novels. Moreover the most interesting and impressive feature is how well constructed the story is, the profoundity of every charachter, even the side charachters have a certain density to them. I've only played Nathan's and Chris' routes until now, but wow, the way the story developed with both of them is just... perfect. Left me wanting more! Their struggles  are way too real, I had experienced in my gaming years some online friends distancing because of depression, or like Chris' in-guild drama. It all made me feel extremely nostalgic overall LOL. Congrats to the devs!!!


this game was so much fun! there's been a lot of online friend type romance games popping up lately and this definitely manages to distinguish itself from the rest. in other games we usually start the relationship from scratch and that can lead to the romance feeling rushed so i like how the characters already know each other here. the game is more about changing the context of an already established connection and i love that. the layout is also interesting and theres a lot more to do than just clicking away on options. love how theres a separate ending for the guild route and the romance route. all the side characters are well fleshed out and fun to watch and the voice acting for everyone is sooo good, especially the LIs. the only note i have is the mechanics can be a bit clunky. scrolling up and down in the save files or the guild roster can be very slippery. it took me forever to add everyone to the raid at the end just bc the scroll bar was very sticky. but the game itself is lovely and i loved playing it! 


I ADORED this game. The premise was so unique and engaging. Even as someone who enjoys visual novels, I sometimes find it a little sad or annoying to focus onto on the bottom part of the screen and have my attention constantly divided between the text and the visuals. The layout here takes full advantage of the screen, making my engagement with everything much more cohesive, and I love that. And of course I love the voiced lines, these actors have so much charm.

An especially lovely thing was how well the side characters were written. I often see that side characters are treated more as a means to push the story forward, with all the focus on the romantic interests, but I very much enjoyed how these characters all felt like a community, and your dealings with your romantic interests intersected with the community rather than leaving it behind. The only drawback with that is I wanted fuller friendship routes with everyone because I wanted to keep talking to my friends :)

All in all, a wonderful experience. I stayed up irresponsibly late to finish the routes and get the good guild end, and it's so satisfying every time. I hope Walter and Ali work some things out. I hope Jim remains his lovely, silly self. I hope... well that would be spoilers, wouldn't it? But I hope everyone stays happy. I love them, I want them to be happy.


Nice well-made game, quite immersive. I liked all the characters, side ones included. My MMO experience is solo-ing it or playing with irl friends, so I've never experienced anything like in the game. It was very enjoyable. Cool icons for different classes btw

Just finished all my wanted endings and I absolutely love this game! All about it is amazing! Honestly what I would love even more are some epilogues, or you know the first time the oc and the character actually meet up irl! I'd really love to see that happen, but otherwise, wonderful game!!!!


What a beautiful game. I loved every second of it. I wasn't very familiar with MMO but everything was so well explained and introduced that I quickly got the hang of it. The characters are so interesting and endearing, the art is so pretty and I'm in awe of all the details everywhere. It is truly, such a well-made game, full of love, with really fun mechanics, that makes you want to keep on playing. I did both Nathan and Chris routes, and I was smiling like an idiot more than once (got their good ending, and they are wonderful). I could say so much more about this game, but I'll end with the amazing voice acting !! Truly gave this game even more life.

Thank you so much ! 

(might try to play a MMO in the future now because it seems super fun!!)

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