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OMG, this game is amazing. If you're in the mood for romance and you love massive multiplayer online games (MMO), this is perfection.  The voice acting is superb. Love the character sprite art. The story and writing is on point. Bless you for the hints, I probably relied on them too much, ha ha ha. Only played Chris's route so far, but absolutely loved it and what a ride.  I'm already excited for Nathan and PossiblyImpossible too.  Well done!


This game was really fun and enjoyable!  As others have said, it really replicates the experience of playing an MMO, and the characters felt very authentic.  It gave me really warm feelings (I did get decent endings) for my time spent as a regular MMO player back in the day, and I think, even if one wasn't involved in a scene like that, the feelings of having real friends online is something that this game conveys very well.

I do wish there was a littttttle more to the game after confirming that one becomes partners with the LI (I have only played the Chris route so far).  The end felt very abrupt.  Like, the GM totally needs to get razzed for dating Chris from the guildmembers!  There should definitely be some playful server rivalry after the two start dating.  

In any case, this game is really good, and thanks so much for making it!  I look forward to the Potato route.


So I was playing the game and 5 minutes in story abruptly stopped. I checked the hints and it said I should chat with guildmembers in voice chat and normal chat but I had already done that. I went through every members chat too but there wasn't any option. 

I  deleted the game afterwards but now I saw the game again and I went through comments to see the game got really positive reviews so I wanna give it another go. Is there a way to fix this?

Kinda really long comment about a bug sorry. 

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi! Sorry to hear about the unexpected issue you were having. Unfortunately, I'm unable to replicate your issue on my end, and I haven't heard of other reports of that so far. 

At that early point of the game, the only chats that you are required to complete  before progression are guild chat and raid voice comms. Please check to make sure the guild chat is not paused, is scrolled all the way to the bottom and there are no outstanding choices. If you have immersion mode on, please wait for the voice dialogue lines to complete and auto advance (if you don't have auto-advance setting on, you have to click personally on the screen to advance to the next raid voice line) and choose any choices that pop up accordingly.

If the issue persists, please include a screenshot of the point you couldn't progress past and more information about your problem (e.g. Windows or Mac or Linux, game version, what choices you've chosen so far in the chats, etc.)

Thank you, and I apologize again for the inconvenience!

I'm also stuck. I'm on Day 3, am just waiting for the next popup to pop up. I tried skipping forward but nothing; restarted just in case, but that also did nothing, I'm still stuck waiting for messages that aren't coming through.

Screenshot for posterity. I would be happy to send savegame data if need be.

I'm about to start over because this game is too good to just stop playing here 😅😭


Hi! I'm so sorry to hear about your issue. At a glance, I have no clue what's causing this. Can you make a save here at this point where you're stuck and then look in the "saves" folder of the game and find its corresponding save file (1-<# of your save file in the list of slots> and then send it to me either by email ( or on Discord (wind.chimes)? I'll look into the issue further once I receive the save. Thank you so much!


I absolutely loved this game!!! I totally binged Chris's route in basically one sitting today and was not disappointed. All of the work put in really shows with just how much you can do, I really felt like I was in an mmo. The characters as well were so well written and had so much dynamicism to each an every one, not just the ROs! The world and characters, plot and immersiveness were all so well done and I loved every bit! Another thing is that I usually tend to save at certain decisions and then go back and change them later but with this game I decided to just go with my initial choices and see where they take me and I was very happy with the ending I got and with simply enjoying the story as it went along. Just overall an amazing job and I will definitely either be playing this again or looking at whatever else you create!!! Much love <333

Thank you for playing Emberfate! I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed the game <3 It makes me so happy whenever someone says the game is immersive and makes them feel like they're in a real MMO.

Btw, there's also a guide available in my Discord server if you ever want to hunt down the other endings and consequences of different choices!

Thank you so much again for playing and taking the time to leave a comment!

I was on the female romance route trying to get the bad raid end on day eight when I tried to press on guild roster to invite players to the final raid the error would pop up I hope this helps

i keep getting this and i don't know what's going on pls help


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 14, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 14, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 30, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 62, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 266, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 278, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 424, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 425, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 430, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 430, in <module>

KeyError: u'error404'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "script/blockprogression.rpyc", line 3, in script

  File "renpy/", line 721, in execute

    renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/", line 1419, in say

    who(what, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/", line 1249, in __call__

    self.do_display(who, what, cb_args=self.cb_args, dtt=dtt, **display_args)

  File "renpy/", line 901, in do_display


  File "renpy/", line 647, in display_say

    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse='say', type=type, roll_forward=roll_forward)

  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3325, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3737, in interact_core

    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())

  File "renpy/display/", line 568, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 568, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 568, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 436, in visit_all


  File "renpy/display/", line 3737, in <lambda>

    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())

  File "renpy/display/", line 447, in per_interact


  File "renpy/display/", line 637, in update


  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 14, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 14, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 30, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 62, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 266, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 278, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 424, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 425, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 430, in execute

  File "game/code/guild.rpy", line 430, in <module>

KeyError: u'error404'



Emberfate: Tempest of Elements 1.0.7

Sun May 28 15:18:55 2023


Hi! Sorry to hear about the unexpected bug. Can you please provide more information on where you're encountering this bug? For example, which chapter did this occur, and at what point in the story (which conversation in guild)? Who has left the guild at that point in time? Unfortunately, I'm unable to locate and fix this bug without more details on the occurrence. Thank you, and I apologize again for the inconvenience!

I've had the same bug. The problem seems to occur when opening up the guild roster after error404 leaves the guild.

Hi! I promise I haven't forgotten about this bug report, but somehow, I still have not been able to replicate the error on my end or locate the issue in the code. I'll keep investigating this issue, but if anyone else runs into this problem, please let me know and any more details you can provide would be helpful too! Thank you, and I'm sorry for the inconveniences caused!

I can send you a save file that has the bug if that would help?


On top of the love interests, I didn't expect to be so charmed by all of the side characters! This game really captures the joy of making friends in a multiplayer game, getting together for events, having nonsensical conversations as well as heartfelt ones, sharing bits of each other's lives... I don't know, but it was really comforting and makes me miss that specific found family experience I had in my childhood :') Loved the events that follow winning the final raid lol

I just had a super enjoyable time playing this, so thank you! Nathan, Jim, Lamp, Potato, and every other guild member my beloveds <3


Thank you so much for playing Emberfate! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. The game is inspired by my nostalgia and fond memories of my own found family of guilds and online gaming friend groups growing up, so I'm really happy that the game hits close to home for you and was a comforting experience, which means I've achieved the goal I set out to do! <3

Is there a walkthrough ?

Sorry for the late reply, but yes, there is a full guide for all endings that is available if you join our Discord server!


frothing at the mouth for chris

👀A valid reaction to seeing them honestly. I hope you enjoyed their route! <3

(3 edits) (+22)

Argh! I need Emberfate 2 and 3 - 100  ASAP pretty please. LOL JK(ish)  Games like this and Blooming Panic always leave me lost, lonely, cold and confused because so little else feels so genuine and fun. Every character felt real. Even the freakin' realm chat had me choking with laughter. I will always be weak to Tsundere's I can be sassy with. The writing and voice acting - chef's kiss! This has some serious heart. I thoroughly enjoyed this. Thank you x1000!


YESSS, THIS GAME IS SO GOOODDD. Like how am I supposed to go about my day without being able to talk to these beautiful people, uugghh. 


HAHAH I agree, the world of Emberfate is a lot better than the real world, and I'd much rather be talking to the guild all day long instead 😂 I'll be adding a DLC for Potato's route ($4.99) at the end of the year / early 2024, so maybe you can come back to the game when that happens and romance another cutie in your guild too👀

Regardless, thank you so much for playing Emberfate, and I'm really glad that you enjoyed it! <3


Potato supremacy! I can't wait!


Thank you so much for such kind compliments!! <3 I'm so happy to hear the game was an enjoyable experience.

I had a lot of fun making Emberfate too, and I definitely have considered the possibility of making a sequel / spin-off of the same set-up but a different guild... But if it ever happens, it'd be very far off in the future and would depend entirely on my financial situation to see if I can afford funding another game. 

However, good news is, there will be additional content coming for Emberfate at the end of this year / early 2024! A DLC for Potato's route will be released for $4.99, and I'm hoping to be able to do some minor content updates for the base game as well. Hoping to see you back in the world of Emberfate when that happens! :D


this game is so cool! it really captures the feeling of playing an mmorpg, ESPECIALLY all the drama haha. i would be lying if i said the beginning where kumiko-chan is flaming everyone didn't give me flashbacks to my XIV raid days.

i did encounter a few bugs though. i've only played through chris's route, but in the conversation where he sends you a selfie, i closed the PMs, opened the harmonies notif, then went back through the community tab and opened PMs with reminiscence again. and the options included the ones from day one where they poach your member. also after the video call the day previous, the cg of him stayed on screen after he hung up.


I love this game! Literally smiling while playing this! Amazing Game! Solid 10


tsundere Chris is so cuteeeee, i could die for him :3


I got this on steam but was so excited to see it here too! I am down for any DLC this game puts out and will pay almost any price! DLC's for all!

Hold up. Hold up....did I just read that there's a way to get Bard back smh? 0:

Dammit, how do I get him back tho....are there any "tips"  you might be willing to share >w>? 

In Chris's route (idk abt the others) there's an option to invite bard to raid after uncle drops out of the raid.

(1 edit)

Hi! I was doing Nathan's route and I think I encountered a bug, it tells me I must finish all my pms at hints but I did yet nothing?


Hi! Thank you for playing Emberfate, and I'm sorry to hear about the issues! Unfortunately, I'm not able to replicate your issue on my end, and I've double checked the code which should be working fine. Perhaps you can try redownloading the newest build from the game and restarting from an earlier Day 6 save. If that doesn't work, you can PM me on Discord @ Windchimes#1995 to send me your save file with this issue so I can take a look to see what the problem is. Sorry about the inconvenience!

the bug was resolved, thanks a lot!!

Will there be an android version?

Hi! Thanks for your interest in Emberfate! There are plans to port Emberfate to Android, but it probably won't come any time soon because there's a lot of UI adjustments that have to be done for it to fit on the mobile screen, and I've never done mobile port before so it'll take some time for me to figure out the programming side of things. I'll make announcements on social media once the Android port is ready though, so be sure to follow us to stay tuned!

Ok, I def will  be following.  

If it helps, I played this on tablet using joiplay


My God, it's finally here!!! Thank you for your hard work! 

I will play while savoring each letter XD. Definitely looking forward to future works as well :) <3 Love you guys!


Sooo good 10/10 <3


Thank you so much!! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it <3


hi! are there guides/walkthroughs for each love interest's good endings???if so, where could I find them? :))

(2 edits) (+4)

Hi! Thank you so much for playing! Unfortunately,there isn't an official ending guide for Emberfate as of yet. It's something that's on my to-do list, but it'll probably be some time before I get around to it unfortunately. But if there's a lot of demand for it, I'll try and see if I can do it earlier!


AHHHHHH loved tthis game. just finished chris's rout and man was that game good. If you ever do make dlc's get ready for me to throw my money at you and run >:).

Thank you so much! I'm so happy you like the game and especially Chris~ I definitely would very much appreciate the support for the DLCs! Be sure to follow us on Twitter or Tumblr so you don't miss the release of future DLCs! :D


this game is so good!! i literally love all characters and their voiceover... ali the best girl <3


Thank you so much!! I'm so happy to hear you liked the game. The voice actors really did an amazing job for sure, and I'm really lucky I got to work with them! I also have a soft spot for Ali tbh, so I'm glad you liked her too!

Very good game!! I love it!! If you don't mind, may I ask if you are considering adding another language?

(2 edits)

Thank you for playing Emberfate! I'm glad to hear you enjoy it! 

At this point in time, I don't have plans to officially translate the project, as the costs of translations are too much for me to pay for out of pocket for a free game, and if I don't speak the language, it's difficult for me to tell if the translation is accurate to the script. Chinese is the only language I'd probably consider for this project translations-wise as I'm a native Chinese speaker myself, but I'm not really sure if I have the time to translate the script myself or if it's worth the effort, haha. If there's enough interest for it though, I'll mark it down as something to consider for the future!




i've just finished nathan's route and it was such an amazing experience. the love interests, guild members and sweet animals won over my heart completely. thank you for giving us an opportunity to play something so incredible. also, potato's route? i'm screaming right now, because i loved when he flirted with mc and other guild members. i will definitely look forward to his dlc and your other games!


Thank you so much for playing Emberfate! I'm so happy to hear you liked the game and Nathan's route in particular!

So many Potato fans are coming out of the woods from this route announcement apparently LOL He really is too charming for his own good, huh? I'm really glad to hear your comment though, since it helps me gauge interest for the DLC route.

Again, thank you so much for the support, and I hope to see you again in the future for either his DLC or my other projects!! <3

Hello, enjoying the game quite a lot! But I just found a bug on Day 4 (Chris route), when choosing what to do with the glitch exploit, if I choose to have the raid leaders decide on it and then to try the exploit, the game throws an error later when you get the PM from DoNotDisturb. If I go with the option of putting the decision to a vote, or decided not to try the exploit, there's no error later on.

Here is the error message:

Hope this helps!


Hi! Thank you so much for the bug report, and I'm so sorry about the issue. I've managed to locate the issue and uploaded a new build (v1.0.2) that should include a fix for the error. You might have to restart the day for the changes to take effect and progress past that point without the error.

Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your playthrough!

(2 edits)

Hello! Just wanted to add a small update because I did finish the game and really enjoyed the experience (never played an MMORPG and it was so interesting and easy to follow!), congrats on your work!! My biggest compliment has to be, besides the smooth simulation integration, the VA work: it's sooo good. I've never been someone that much into VA in visual novels, I usually don't care about it at all, but for this game it really surprised me and immersed me in the story, I could have listened to them talk for hours without getting bored.

I will be checking up for news on those DLCs to expand the story :)


I KNEW IT POTATO WAS GIVING ROMANCE VIBES!!!1!! squealing for the dlc. 


HAHAH his playful flirting was too good to not turn him into a romance option! I'm excited to come back to this game and work on the DLC later this year too!


I can't wait for potato's DLC. Definitely going to get it when it comes out!


I see yet another player has fallen for Potato's charm LOL Thank you, I'm really glad to hear of your interest in the DLC since I'm still nervous about whether it'd sell enough to cover the costs LOL I'm excited to return to this game later this year as well, and I'll definitely keep you all updated in the future!

Deleted post

Thank you so much for playing Emberfate!! I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed it! <3

Jim has definitely become a fan favorite, so you're not alone LOL He's one of my favorite side characters too because of how adorable he is and how fun he is to write!

Again, thank you for playing Emberfate, and I hope I'll see you again later this year for Potato's DLC too! ;D

Finished the last day!! I have nothing new to add to my previous comment, I just love love love this game. At the end I actually got a little misty eyed because I loved the guild so much! Everyone feels so wonderfully real and endearing. I'm going to be replaying emberfate a number of times in the coming weeks!

Thank you so much for playing Emberfate! It makes me so happy to hear you like the game <3 I hope you'll enjoy your other playthroughs as well!!

PS: Emberfate will be releasing on Steam soon with some achievements, so you might want to wait on the Steam version before doing more playthroughs if you care about being a completionist and getting all the achievements on Steam! Haha

Hello! I downloaded the game today after a recommendation, and honestly I love it! Its very well made, and the characters are so well written! The guild succeeding stresses me out though XD

I'm having a problem though, I'm on Day 8, Chris Route, I go to start the raid, and the moment I invite Nathan and greet him, after his next words the game just errors, and rollback just forces me into an endless loop of the error.

My raid team needed Zuros alt, a random and the underleveled anon to be complete, if this information helps. I believe the error is caused by the random though

My error message is quite long, but I can share it if needed

Hi! Thank you so much for playing Emberfate, and I'm so glad to hear you've been enjoying it! 

Oops, I have no idea how that bug slipped through the cracks. I'm so sorry about that! I think I know what the issue is after checking the code, but having a screenshot of the error would be really helpful to make sure I'm fixing the right thing. Thank you again, and I'm sorry about the inconvenience and issues!

No worries haha! I'll definitely sit through some errors if  it means I get to play awesome games like this one!

These are the errors

Thank you so much! I believe I've figured out the issue and it should work properly now. I've just updated the build on to v1.0.1, so please redownload the game files and try playing again!

You might have to go back to the start of Day 8 (by loading a save file from Day 7, or loading a Day 8 save file with Force Recovery Mode enabled) for the fixes to take effect.

Please let me know if it works! Thank you again!

mmorpgs always have a special soft spot in my heart. i've only played Day3's content which was months ago, and i remember being so giddy lmao wow
So glad to see the updates! i cant wait to play when i'm free

Thank you so much for leaving such a nice comment! I'm happy to announce that the final episode (Day 8) has been released, so I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the game if you do play it! :D

sooo i had to start the game from the beginning bc one of my save files wasn't working but i'm not able to skip through the chats and dialogues for some reason? had to play it all over again on maximum speed bc the skip option wouldn't work


Hi! Thank you for playing Emberfate! I'm sorry to hear about the issues — unfortunately I'm not able to replicate the problem you said you were experiencing. Persistent data like what lines have been already read before should be saved locally on your machine — can you check the following folder locations to see if there were mistakenly multiple save folders for the game such as EmberfateTempestofElementsPublic-1631333206 or EmberfateTempestofElements-1631333206? 

  • Windows: %AppData\Roaming\RenPy\
  • Mac: $HOME/Library/RenPy/
  • Linux: $HOME/.renpy/

Either way, there should be a setting in game to let you skip through all text, whether read or not, so you can toggle it on to All Text to skip through everything faster even if the local persistent data on what lines have been read was somehow bugged or lost. Please let me know if that works for you, and again, I'm sorry about the inconvenience and issues! This game kind of has a lot going on programming-wise for the chat system to work, and unfortunately, thanks to my lack of expertise with coding, I'm unable to fix all the backwards compatibility issues that occurs with the engine. Thank you very much for your patience!

hi,  i try the solution but i continue with the problem.

hey there, i'm on day 5 of chris' route, and i'm currently stuck!! SPOILERS for day 5 chris route:

after sending mails to verify zeke's story, nothing else has happened? the hint hasn't changed from "send mails to verify zeke's story" so i'm wondering if i've missed something. i'm on mac, so maybe that's part of the issue! thank you! 

Hi! Thank you for the bug report! 

I've located the issue and updated the game build on (v0.6.3) that should include a fix to the issue. You might have to reload at the start of Day 5 for the fixes to apply as any save files made after starting Zeke's conversation would likely have the old bugged progress condition set incorrectly still. Please let me know if the issue persists after that!

Apologies for the inconvenience and issues! Thank you for playing Emberfate!

I am OBSESSED with this game so far. It's soooo damn good! I love the idea and everything about it <3

Thank you so much for playing Emberfate! I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the game so much. <3 Positive comments like this make me really happy so thank you for taking the time to leave a nice review!!

You're welcome!! I think you should be so proud, im so in love with all the characters and the story as a whole. There are so many little details that make this simulator seem so real!! ❤️


hi! i fell in love with your game so much! and wow love how you can make everyone has a story of their own even though they are just side character! i adore all of the LIs, lamp! lamp and jim! so precious so cute!! i love them all ! thank you for making this game!! on a side note tho i already played chris and nathan routes but when i played khanyisa on day 4 when i picked up her call it show me this? thank you again btw!! 

Hi! Thank you for playing Emberfate! I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed the game :D 

Oops, I'm not sure how that bug slipped through the cracks all this time, but I have just updated the game build on that should include a fix to the bug. Sorry about that issue, and thank you for the report!

hi, yes i have the same glich.

Ween I want continue with mein Partide of day 6, in the screen jump te message Error, I tried with force recovery mode but i continue with the same problem.

I use the last vertion

I just updated the game build which should fix this issue again! Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for playing Emberfate!

I'm curious, so it states that Chris uses He/him or They/Them pronouns, does this mean that there's some sort of setting to switch their pronouns? I do prefer men but generally have no qualms romancing someone who uses they/them pronouns. I'm simply just curious because I would have no idea how to switch pronouns.


It just interchanges between them I'm pretty sure! 

I'm not 100% sure that's true.  I think the pronouns would be set to They/He, etc. I haven't seen the pronouns interchange once, but thank you for answering.

(1 edit) (+3)

Hi! Thank you for playing Emberfate and your question. 

To answer your question: Chris' pronouns is not an option for the player to choose from, and there's no setting for you to toggle between referring to them as he/him or they/them. I've gone back to double check the script to confirm, and the narrative does use the two pronouns interchangeably, but they/them was probably used a bit more frequently!

Im just on day 2 and Im loving the characters they all have such unique personalities. Im so glad I found this game! Looking forward to the future of this game!!


Hi! Thank you for playing Emberfate! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it and liked the characters! :) The final episode (Day 8) for this game should be released for the public in early Jan, while Patrons will get it later this month, so hopefully that isn't too long of a wait! Haha. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your playthrough!

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey! I'm having a little issue here. In day 6, I ignored Solitude's PM.. then I PANICKED I WAS LIKE NOOOO NOW I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY WANT TO SAY TO ME AM I IN TROUBLE so I loaded a savee I made right before their PM came in. But uhm, idk how to explain it really but it's like the chat from day 6 was there working as usual but the rest of the things on screen were from day 3 (i think??). Seconds later I got an error and had to close the game. Not sure if this happened to anyone else or if it's just me but I decided to put it here anyways just in case.

Same problem!

Hi! Thank you for playing Emberfate! I'm sorry to hear you're encountering technical issues with the game. Admittedly that's... a really strange bug, and I've not been able to replicate it on my end while attempting to repeat the steps you mentioned.

You mentioned there was an error that popped up and you had to close the game -- would you happen to have a screenshot of the error message or remember what it said roughly? Additionally, if you still have that bugged save file, would it be possible to send the save file to me directly in private so I can test it personally and try to figure out the issue? I'm available on Discord at Windchimes#1995 if you'd like to send me the screenshot / save file in DMs (or need further directions on how to find the save file on your PC for sending)!

Again, really sorry about the inconvenience and issues. I'll try my best to investigate and fix the issue as soon as possible.


Thank you for the report! I think this bug is a different issue from the one mentioned by OP though, as it's not a bug triggered by loading an old save. It was also reported on Tumblr yesterday and I've already uploaded an updated version of the game that should include a fix to the bug. Please update your game files to the newest version and try and see if the issue remains. Thank you!

Everything is working good, thank you!

I deleted all my saves from the previous days and started all over again. Everything works like normal now!! It might have been a problem with my save files from the previous updates? idk..


Hmmm yeah that's really strange, I have no clue why that happened. But I'm glad to hear it works fine now, though I'm sorry that you had to start from scratch and spend time replaying 😭 Sorry about the issues, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the game!

dw about it!! Emberfate is on my Favorites list, replaying it isn't a problem and I will probably do it a lot more in the future. <3

Hi ! I dowloaded the first demo some times ago and everything worked well but with the new demo I have a really hard time to succeed clicking on the answers. And on the game menu. Is anyone having the same problems and then the solution ? It's the mac version.

Hi! Unfortunately, I'm unable to replicate your issue even after trying it on a Macbook. The code for the chat system and the game menu buttons wasn't really changed either between the original game jam demo and these newer version updates, so theoretically it shouldn't have broken anything.

I'm unsure what could be causing the issue, so all I can suggest at this point is potentially try a fresh clean install of the game to see if it fixes the issue.

Delete all previous downloaded builds of Emberfate,  then navigate to this location on your computer: $HOME/Library/RenPy/

If you see any folders called EmberfateTempestofElements, whether it's EmberfateTempestofElementsPublic-1631333206 or EmberfateTempestofElementsDemo-1631333206, delete all the contents inside those Emberfate folders.

Then redownload the game and extract to a fresh new folder again.

Sorry about the strange issue, but thank you for your interest in Emberfate!

I'm so happy I found this gem! >w<  It was fun, and the characters felt so real. I'll DEFINITELY look forward to the next update!


Ahhh thank you so much for playing Emberfate!! I'm so happy to hear you liked it. Next update should be at the start of next month, so it's not too far away! Haha

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