Steam Port + Behind-the-Scenes Booklet ($5.99) Now Available

Hi everyone! 

I'm happy to announce that Emberfate: Tempest of Elements is now live on Steam! This Steam version is mostly identical to the build, but it comes with plenty of Steam achievements for any completionist folks!

It's free to play as usual, but there's a $5.99 DLC for a behind-the-scenes booklet PDF if you're interested in the development process and would like to throw a bit of money my way to help with funding Potato's route DLC (coming in late 2023-ish)! 

If you've played Emberfate before and enjoyed it, please please take the time to download the game on Steam and leave a Steam review! We need at least 10 Steam reviews for the game to have a rating on Steam, and the more reviews we have / the higher the rating, the more visibility Emberfate will get so we can lure more people in to become guild leaders! 

Note: I believe you need to have at least 10 minutes of playtime on the game on Steam before it lets you leave a review, so you might have to leave the game running in the background for a little before the Review option pops up.


If you previously played Emberfate through the free public build, then your saves should immediately be available in this Steam port when you load the game!

If you previously played Emberfate from the Patreon early build, then you’ll have to manually move your saves and persistent data over. You might have to turn on viewing for hidden files / folders, but your save files for the Patreon build should be found in the following folder:

  • Windows: %AppData\Roaming\RenPy\EmberfateTempestofElements-1631333206
  • Mac: $HOME/Library/RenPy/EmberfateTempestofElements-1631333206
  • Linux: $HOME/.renpy/EmberfateTempestofElements-1631333206

Copy all of the .save files and the persistent file over to the new Steam public build save folder, which should be in the following location:

  • Windows: %AppData\Roaming\RenPy\EmberfateTempestofElementsPublic-1631333206
  • Mac: $HOME/Library/RenPy/EmberfateTempestofElementsPublic-1631333206
  • Linux: $HOME/.renpy/EmberfateTempestofElementsPublic-1631333206

Then relaunch the game from Steam, and you should be able to see the old save files from the previous Patreon builds. 

If the folder EmberfateTempestofElements-1631333206 listed above is empty for some reason, try checking the game folder of the Patreon build instead. There might be a subfolder called "saves", and if it has the .save files and persistent data file, then proceed as explained above with the contents of this "saves" folder and copy them over to the correct file location. 


If you have old save files & the persistent data file copied over in the right folder, as soon as you launch the game for the first time, it should grant you achievements for any endings you’ve previously unlocked in the or Patreon build.

If you load up a Day 8 save file that has these following decisions previously, it should grant you the corresponding achievements upon loading: (WARNING: MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR THE GAME AHEAD)

  • Chosen to kick Zeke from the guild in Day 4 or Day 5
  • Chosen to use the exploit for Tundefes fight for both Raid 2 in Day 4 and the upcoming raid for Raid 1 in Day 6 officer decision
  • Convinced Chris to leave Requiem and join your guild instead
  • Bard returns to the guild in Day 7/8
  • Chosen to fill empty raid spot(s) in Day 8 raid with PUGs

Thank you so much to everyone for the support! This should be the last update for now, so I'll see you all later this year for more news about Potato's route DLC update!

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